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DCG research and articles about: CEM

Digital Clarity Group

Digital Pulse speaker, Randy Woods, featured in CMSmyth

Thursday October 17 2013, New York – Day 1 of the Digital Pulse Summit finished yesterday, and there is already buzz about the conference. Digital Pulse speaker Randy Woods of non~linear creations was featured in an article by CMSmyth. At the conference, Woods spoke about real-life customer experience management and digital marketing case studies. Jeff Cram… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Razorfish’s Velez: Diversity Key to Customer Experience #DigitalPulse

Wednesday October 16 2013, New York – Digital Pulse got off to a fantastic start today, with a keynote from Ray Velez, Chief Technology Officer at Razorfish and co-author of the new book Converge. Velez talked to a packed audience about …the “friction” and energies that each specialist brings that need to be fostered for a successful customer… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

JBoye Aarhus 2013 – Web & Intranet conference

This November Marianne Kay will be speaking at JBoye Web & Intranet Conference in Aarhus, Denmark about Web Content Management and the role that Service Providers – digital agencies, system integrators and the like – play in WCM projects. Her talk is based on extensive research that Digital Clarity Group have undertaken in WCM Service… read more >


Consultants – Heal Thyself!

I’m fresh from Content Marketing World where I taught a workshop to 200 or so agencies who came to learn about the methodologies of delivering content marketing planning services to their end clients.  I can tell you that the primary thing on their mind was how rapidly the changes flowing through digital content experiences, social,… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Industry Veteran, Jill Finger Gibson, Joins DCG as Principal Analyst

Monday September 23 2013, New York – We’re proud to announce that former IDC Research Director Jill Finger Gibson has joined DCG as Principal Analyst. Previously an analyst for Elsevier, where she conducted pricing and strategy research to support the company’s shift from print to digital, Finger Gibson has more than 15 years of experience… read more >


Increase Your Probability for a Successful Implementation

You can take the best DM/CEM tools in the world and destroy their business value with a poor implementation process.  So, what steps can you take to ensure that your implementation project will succeed? In an earlier post, I described a new maturity model for technology implementation.  This model is based on the concept of… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Scott Liewehr delivers keynote at Digital Disruption: Financial Services

Wednesday September 18 2013, New York – Scott Liewehr, President & Principal Analyst at Digital Clarity Group, will deliver the keynote speech at the Digital Disruption: Financial Services Conference in New York City this month. In addition to his keynote on digital trends, Scott will also be part of a expert panel facilitated discussion alongside… read more >


Simple Sells

I’ve been writing and speaking a lot about small data as an approach for bringing the power of big data to the masses (the subject of our current multi-client study which will hit the street in mid-October). But what’s interesting is that the small data philosophy also applies to design and advertising and how we… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

i2 Swiss Summit

Tuesday September 17 2013, New York – Tim Walters, Partner Analyst at Digital Clarity Group, will deliver the opening keynote at the i2 Swiss Internet Summit on November 7, 2013. This year’s summit focuses on the challenges of web experience management and engaging consumers on multiple mobile devices, as well as the social intranet and digital… read more >


O Partner Where Art Thou?

I’m a big Coen brothers fan, so I was pleased to see an interview with the filmmakers in a recent New York Times article. I love that these very un-Hollywoody guys from Minnesota have figured out how to make successful Hollywood films about unique characters that are so well-scripted and filmed. I also love that… read more >

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