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DCG research and articles about: CEM

Free Developer Report

Beyond Marketing: Why Digital Disruption Requires a Deeper Transformation

The forces of digital disruption have toppled established business models, magnified the significance of digital channels and competences, and initiated the “customer-centric era.” CMOs and their marketing organizations would seem to be ideally positioned to lead organizational response, as they typically own the customer relationship and have developed sophisticated methods for understanding and communicating with… read more >


ICF Interactive Webinar: Are You Disappointing Your Customers?

13 November 2014. Webinar. Presented by Jill Finger Gibson read more >


J.Boye Web & Intranet Conference – Aarhus 2014

November 4-6, 2014, Aarhus, Denmark. The Tools, Teams, and Tactics For Competing in an Outside-In World, Marianne Kay Marketing and Customer Experience Management, Scott Liewehr Event website: JBoye Web & Intranet Conference, Aarhus 2014 read more >


Sitecore Symposium, North America 2014

Sept 8-10, 2014, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Truly Great Customer Experience, Scott Liewehr Event website: Sitecore Symposium, North America 2014 read more >


Will you survive Business 2020? And can the enterprise strike back?

For some people (including, often, me), the year 2020 still represents a remote, science-fiction future, with flying cars, space colonies, and robotic cops. But of course, 2020 is now barely five years away. It is closer to us today than the introduction of the web-enabled smartphone. Extraordinary – and at one time unimaginable – transformations… read more >

Free Developer Report

Business 2020: Six Key Dynamics Will Determine Success

The few years since the introduction of the smartphone have brought unprecedented and unforeseen change to the business environment in nearly every company. Technology innovations such as mobile computing, analytics, cloud, and social platforms have empowered consumers in both B2C and B2B contexts, and fundamentally inverted the relationship between buyers and sellers. Looking forward to the business environment in… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Market Basket shows the staying power of “analog” customer experience

Living in greater Boston, I have a pretty decent choice of supermarkets along the price spectrum. At the higher end there is, of course, Whole Foods, the destination for products such as organic quinoa and $20 per pound imported specialty cheeses. In the middle are the chains such as Stop and Shop and Trader Joe’s,… read more >


OpenText, Demandware, and are all on a buyer’s shortlist. What are they buying?

Give up? Yeah, me too. We’ve been known to critique technology rankings such as the Wave and Magic Quadrant here at DCG, since we don’t think they provide much actionable insight, and we usually add a little color commentary to spice things up. However, in the case of Forrester’s new Digital Experience Delivery [DEaD?] Platforms Wave, I… read more >

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Is Jill Lepore’s critique of disruption theory really “a criminal act of dishonesty”?

The Annals of Disruption Denial, Part 1 The uproar has died down. Twitter searches for “Lepore” are again dominated by the antics of the one named Chris, the “Vine celebrity” and recently convicted felon. But the one named Jill (no relation, and she doesn’t even appear to have a Twitter account, so you can forget… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Chris Walker and Robert Rose debate: What exactly is a great customer experience?

Before industry analysts present their latest research to the public, they often chew over potential topics amongst themselves. And if they are located in different countries, that dialogue tends to take place over email. We thought we’d try an experiment and “liberate” one of those dialogues on this blog. A few weeks ago two Digital… read more >

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