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E-Commerce Round-Up: November 2015

E-Commerce Round-Up covers major recent events and news from the past month in the e-commerce world, and provides a brief analysis of what they mean. This month’s Round-Up covers the struggle of retailers like Macy’s, Nordstrom, and Target to transition to multichannel, Zalando’s ambitions to become a technology company, and strong growth at Latin America’s… read more >

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E-commerce Companies Need To Help Resolve Last Mile Delivery Problems

With the holiday season comes the flurry of headlines about e-commerce records being smashed, as more consumers around the world turn to online shopping. Currently, just 6% of retail on average is conducted online, and even in the more advanced e-commerce markets that ratio is still in the 10-15% range. That’s a lot of room… read more >

UConn mailroom

E-Commerce Round-Up: October 2015

E-Commerce Round-Up covers major recent events and news from the past month in the e-commerce world, and provides a brief analysis of what they mean. This month’s Round-Up covers SingPost’s ambitions to become a cross-border e-commerce leader, IKEA’s e-commerce catch-up plans, and the growing problem of e-commerce package delivery for multi tenant-building owners and employees. SingPost’s cross-border… read more >

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Two Countries, One Customer: Navigating the Content and Commerce Divide

When I travel to countries that share a border, I love seeing how those countries may have little in common – speak different languages, eat different foods, and have different customs – and yet manage to communicate and co-operate so that people can cross back and forth easily between the two. From a traveler’s perspective,… read more >


E-Commerce Round-Up: September 2015

E-Commerce Round-Up covers major recent events and news from the past month in the commerce world, and provides a brief analysis of what they mean. This month’s Round-Up covers the launch of a white label e-commerce service for brands, CPG companies’ growth plans for direct-to-consumer e-commerce, and Time Inc.’s content and commerce plans for People… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

World of Service Providers, September 2015

Each month, we put together a topical list of new & noteworthy happenings in the world of Service Providers. Look for information about digital agencies, creative shops, systems integrators, consulting firms, and everything in between. Here’s what’s been happening in the World of Service Providers – and why it matters –  for the month of September,… read more >


Do you suffer from service provider afterthought syndrome?

Do you suffer from SPA syndrome? No, it’s not an excessive number of visits to the spa (as if that were possible). It’s Service Provider Afterthought syndrome. In a recent post, I outlined the five reasons every organization needs to work with a service provider on any CMS or CEM implementation. What is equally important is knowing this: It’s not just… read more >


E-Commerce Round-Up, August 2015

E-Commerce Round-Up covers major recent events and news from the past month in the commerce world, and provides a brief analysis of what they mean. This month’s Round-Up covers new funding for online marketplace provider Mirakl, new ecommerce service provider acquisitions and partners, and the prospects for celebrity ecommerce. The rise of the Saas online… read more >

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Digital Asset Management Round-Up, August 2015

Digital Clarity Group’s DAM round-up condenses and consolidates some of the most topical news and happenings from the digital asset management industry from the past month or so.  This month’s round-up covers , The Guardian’s home grown DAM, ADAM’s Microsoft Azure certification, and Canto updates to its enterprise suite. The Guardian Releases Open Source ‘Grid’… read more >

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E-Commerce Round-Up, July 2015

E-Commerce Round-Up covers major recent events and news from the past month in the commerce world, and provides a brief analysis of what they mean. This month’s Round-Up highlights innovative companies employing new business models that have implications for ecommerce: social delivery, subscriptions, and retail marketplaces. Scandinavian start-ups fuel innovation in “social delivery” services In… read more >

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