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Villain SnakesFear

What’s in a Name?

That which we call a rose By any other name Would smell as sweet… Not the case when speaking about Service Providers/Digital Agencies/Systems Integrators. These firms are committed to their selected nomenclature (often for good reason), and will correct anyone who calls them otherwise. With so many different services offered, there is a lack of… read more >

Dirty yoga dude

Flexibility really is what it is cracked up to be

Can’t touch your toes? Afraid stretching is going to hurt? You’ll never know til you try. And even if you can’t reach below your knees today, with some effort and perseverance you’ll be doing gorilla in no time. Same can be said for evolving a company’s intranet; it’s not easy, and it takes time, it… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Reaching Distracted Customers with Targeted Rich Media

As organizations look to harness the full potential of social and mobile channels and data in their customer engagement plans, one question dogs even the most well thought out strategy: will they notice? Consumers have never been more distracted, with new social options, second screen apps, and networked devices.  For B-to-B organizations looking to reach… read more >


IT’s security blanket hampers response to digital disruption

Remember fear and trembling in the face of open source software (OSS)? Circa, say, 2006 — as the OSS vendor space was exploding and early adopters were revealing measurable benefits and impacts — the prevailing attitude among enterprise IT departments was still . . . resistance. A familiar flock of anxieties about OSS solutions were… read more >

Don't miss the boat

Why won’t those dinosaurs ever change?

Have you asked, “why can’t those dinosaurs get it, why can’t they see that [Digital or Social or Big Data or your preferred new approach] is the future of sales and marketing?”  If so, this post is for you. As a C-level executive coach for nearly 30 years, I know something about how to help… read more >

Social CRM

In search of real, practical Social CRM

The search for next big thing when it comes to Customer Relationship Management has been a long, strange trip for those of us who remember when Siebel was battling it out with Brock and Saratoga, and cloud computing was still a gleam in Eric Schmidt’s eye.  But here we are, a dozen years after the… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Welcome Allen Bonde and Hello Social CRM

This is a big week for DCG. Not only are we announcing the expansion of our coverage into Social CRM, but we are excited to announce that Allen Bonde has joined our firm as a Partner and Principal Analyst. Allen is a seasoned industry analyst and a well-reputed veteran in the world of CRM and… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Is a WCM game-changer brewing In Basel? (On the appification of applications)

Basel-based Magnolia CMS has many of the trappings of the typical small software vendor. Foosball table? Check. Team dinners at a long communal table? Check. Smart, hard-working co-founders who complete each other’s sentences and still radiate enthusiasm over a decade after the company’s launch? Jawohl! Design magazines in the WC But then, the Foosball table… read more >

ibmconnect2013 small

IBM Connect 2013

This year’s conference brought together IBM’s long-standing, 20th annual Lotusphere and its new Connect conferences into one, very large, event. The agenda boasted as many as 15 concurrent sessions within eight tracks and five session types in two venues that layered Lotusphere’s traditionally technical content with Connect’s customer experience stories of how IBM’s solutions drive… read more >


True CXM – Bigfoot, Unicorn, or Aliens?

Have you seen true digital CXM in the wild? And what I mean by that is – have you personally witnessed an organization deliver truly contextually relevant, customer-centric content across multiple digital channels, using both implicit and explicit attributes to target and deliver that content? I suspect you haven’t. I haven’t – and I cover this space… read more >

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