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Sap and Hybris post

SAP + hybris is ALSO about The CEM Imperative

Although it’s software rather than services this time, yesterday’s announced acquisition of hybris by SAP is just as much about customer experience management (CEM) as the recent fusion of Accenture and Acquity. (Which I blogged about here.) That claim doesn’t require deep analysis, since it’s the fundamental justification for the purchase (terms not disclosed) offered… read more >


Content, Context, & Chaos – Have You Ever Been Experienced?

“Are you experienced?  Have you ever been experienced? Well I have.” Jimi Hendrix Have you heard? Customers are more empowered now, and we have to be really good at engaging them across a lot of digital channels. Okay, this is the part where I insert some insane growth numbers about mobile, social or how much… read more >


Suite trend continues with Salesforce $2.5B acquisition of ExactTarget

Got it. Got it. Need it. Got it. The sounds of hockey card collections and’s (SFDC) approach to business growth as reinforced with today’s announcement of its acquisition of cloud marketing automation platform ExactTarget. This is the biggest price tag paid in SFDC’s long list of acquisitions made in its 14-year history. At $2.5… read more >

Thinking Together with your Customers

Think Together with your Customers

CRM, DM, CEM, CX – the labels change, but the message is clear – it’s essential to engage your customers.  Unfortunately, engagement is still largely defined around messages directed at the customer.  And, while methods are evolving, these messages still seemed to be guided by the flawed assumption that you can control customers’ choices, IF… read more >

digital pulse

The Digital Pulse of the digital disruption

The forces of digital disruption are radically altering how we access and consume information, communicate and socialize, shop and purchase. Ubiquitous connected devices, social networks, cloud services – these and other innovations have already virtually inverted the relationship between sellers and buyers, between brands and customers. This constantly and rapidly shifting terrain maps the digital… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Accenture + Acquity is about The CEM Imperative

Friday’s announced acquisition of Acquity Group by Accenture is impressive in both dollar and surprise value. But in fact, it is merely a high-profile manifestation of the changes racking the service provider (SP) landscape as they reposition to support customer experience management (CEM). For example, fellow suit-and-tie consulting firm Deloitte picked up Übermind in January… read more >

golden mean

The Rise of the Manager of Meaning

The roles of the CMO and the CIO are evolving. We know this. Of this change, it is more critical that they both evolve into something with a common purpose, than the change in role itself. Big Data just might be the big idea that hastens the alignment of this purpose, but it won’t, itself,… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

At the Crossroads: Can HubSpot Become the Next Salesforce?

Happy companies create happy customers. This is one of the themes that comes through when you visit HubSpot. That, and the fact that they measure everything and are particularly open – from their office environment, to the financials they post (as a private company), to the way they share a lot of content about their… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

The house the CMS team built

Finding the right web content management system (WCMS) is akin to building a house; without the proper thought, time, and consideration dedicated to the process at the outset, you will likely end up with something that you will find difficult to live in/with. It all starts with a perceived need Most of us don’t just… read more >


Adobe Creative Cloud is coming to a web designer near you

Adobe Creative Suite – including Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator – becomes a cloud-based subscription service. As announced at Adobe MAX, the Creativity Conference, Adobe Creative Suite (CS) will now become a cloud-based service. Starting from June 2013, Adobe CS, which includes Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and Premiere, will be available as a cloud, subscription-based… read more >

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