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Increase Your Probability for a Successful Implementation

You can take the best DM/CEM tools in the world and destroy their business value with a poor implementation process.  So, what steps can you take to ensure that your implementation project will succeed? In an earlier post, I described a new maturity model for technology implementation.  This model is based on the concept of… read more >


Simple Sells

I’ve been writing and speaking a lot about small data as an approach for bringing the power of big data to the masses (the subject of our current multi-client study which will hit the street in mid-October). But what’s interesting is that the small data philosophy also applies to design and advertising and how we… read more >


O Partner Where Art Thou?

I’m a big Coen brothers fan, so I was pleased to see an interview with the filmmakers in a recent New York Times article. I love that these very un-Hollywoody guys from Minnesota have figured out how to make successful Hollywood films about unique characters that are so well-scripted and filmed. I also love that… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

HubSpot Broadens Offerings for Big and Small Company Marketers – and Sales Teams Too

At this week’s INBOUND event, HubSpot made a number of noteworthy announcements, especially around its Content Optimization System, Social Inbox (which I previously covered), new reporting engine and “Signals” tool for sales teams. As discussed in my last post looking at HubSpot’s growth and outlook, I called out several areas/challenges the company needed to address,… read more >


DCG’s CEM Service Provider Guide is out!

After months of research, interviews, writing, editing, rewriting, and more editing we are proud to announce Digital Clarity Group’s Guide to Service Providers for Web Content and Customer Experience Management. Digital Clarity Group was founded on the belief that the Service Provider, whether they call themselves a Digital Agency, System Integrator, or something more creative,… read more >

SP Rpt Cover

Announcing DCG’s Guide to Service Providers for WCM and CEM

Here are three inconvenient truths. First, mastering customer experience management (CEM) is an imperative, because the quality of the experiences you offer and support will increasingly determine the fate of your company. Second, the CEM Imperative is not a prediction. Consumers’ expectations for rich experiences are effective today, and they are growing ever less tolerant… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Summer Reading – Thoughts on Gartner’s Latest CRM CEC Magic Quadrant

As I ramp up DCG’s social CRM research I’ve been looking through a number of recent industry studies including the latest edition of the Gartner Magic Quadrant on CRM Customer Engagement Center solutions (new term they are using to reflect the growing role of social channels – report is available from several featured vendors) and… read more >


Manage Channels – Integrate Content

When you’re surfing the channels on television – you’re looking for great content. You may first try your “tried and true” channels. But you’ll ultimately land (and stay) on a channel because of the content, and not because it happens to be on HBO, or ESPN or NBC. As a recent New York Times article… read more >


Neolane – icing on Adobe’s Marketing Cloud cake?

Last week’s announcement that Adobe has signed a letter of intent to buy Neolane for some $600 million in an all-cash transaction cannot come as a surprise to anybody, or at least not that many. The chatter on the topic amplified after this year’s Adobe Summit, shifting to be more about the “who” and “when”,… read more >

social blocks

A Playbook for Sustainable B2B Social Marketing

We all know the high-profile successes of consumer brands like Audi, Nike, Old Spice, and Pepsi on social media – for awareness and engagement, and increasingly, for driving social commerce. (See the Facebook Studio winners here and Shorty Awards for best use of Twitter here.) The trend to leverage social media for engagement continues as a… read more >

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