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Why Tech Projects Fail, and How to Prevent It

The most effective IT leaders I know always seem to have the same three priorities for their work – create measureable business value, make and keep commitments to their clients, and deliver high quality solutions built for sustainable success. These leaders are true “partners” – seeking to understand the client’s purpose and goals, proactively proposing… read more >


Where Have All the WCM Cowboys Gone?

Happy New Year. Here we are in 2014 and Web Content Management is in a funk. Yep, I said it. The entire sector is in danger of becoming an afterthought.  Ask yourself a question: when was the last time a WCM solution provider actually made some really interesting news, or got the market talking about… read more >


What does “enterprise” and “midmarket” really mean for CEM?

Traditional market segmentations – by gross revenue or number of employees – are useful for sizing a market and calculating technology spend. But what does “enterprise,” “midmarket,” or “SMB” really mean for software solutions? DCG has just released two Insight Papers that address this question and attempt to pin down the enterprise and midmarket requirements… read more >


Announcing DCG’s Bringing the Power of Big Data to the Masses Report

Big Data is all the rage, yet many organizations are struggling to move beyond the hype and apply big data analytics in practical, measured steps. First, most big data investments to-date ($10 billion and counting according to IDC) have focused on “upstream” systems and tools for technical folks vs. apps and tools for people who… read more >


Putting the “management” into CEM

In 1925, as his psychoanalytic methods began to find wider reception after decades of neglect, Sigmund Freud wrote, “Finally, I am no longer alone.” A similar sense of relief (if not vindication) must be felt by many web content management professionals today. Finally, those of us (whether analysts, consultants, vendors, or practitioners) who have long… read more >


The Role of C-Suite Diplomacy in the CMO-CIO Debate

If you follow the issues of the day in the customer experience management (CEM) arena, you are undoubtedly familiar with the theme of the CMO-CIO relationship, or the lack thereof. Those who hold those titles, depending on what you read, are; putting the customer at the center of everything, or dead, or gaining in budget influence, or disconnected from each… read more >


Digital Pulse Summit 2013: Highlights

Digital Clarity Group hosted the first-ever Digital Pulse Summit in Boston on October 16 – 17. Business leaders, digital marketers, customer experience champions, content marketing strategists, IT professionals, and marketing technologists came together for two days of workshops, inspirational keynotes, focused sessions and networking. Conference attendees sought a greater knowledge and understanding of the digital… read more >


SAP Bets Big on Big Data and Platform Play

At this past week’s TechEd 2013 event in Las Vegas, SAP signaled loud and clear that it’s betting big on big data and positioning its HANA technology as a platform for growing the company’s ecosystem of app providers and developers. In addition to the announcement of new design services, cloud offerings, and enhanced access to… read more >


Netflix, you don’t know diddly about context!

By now, there has been enough evangelization of “engagement” to posit two things: Engagement with a brand is essential to achieving customer loyalty, and Consumers will only engage if they find the experience(s) to be relevant. Therefore, all roads to customer loyalty (the holy grail among customer experience advocates) must pass through relevancy. But what… read more >


Consultants – Heal Thyself!

I’m fresh from Content Marketing World where I taught a workshop to 200 or so agencies who came to learn about the methodologies of delivering content marketing planning services to their end clients.  I can tell you that the primary thing on their mind was how rapidly the changes flowing through digital content experiences, social,… read more >

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