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Digital Clarity Group

Chris Walker and Robert Rose debate: What exactly is a great customer experience?

Before industry analysts present their latest research to the public, they often chew over potential topics amongst themselves. And if they are located in different countries, that dialogue tends to take place over email. We thought we’d try an experiment and “liberate” one of those dialogues on this blog. A few weeks ago two Digital… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Welcome Hollis Thomases

Since our founding, my colleagues at DCG and I have prided ourselves on providing research and thought leadership that are forward-looking, actionable, and clear. We ensure that everything we do is grounded in these principles. As president, one of my most important roles is to grow our team with talented professionals who can deliver on all three… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Don’t Blame SharePoint

By accident or by design, I’ve managed to steer clear of MS SharePoint (SP) centric Enterprise Content Management (ECM) deployments until a few weeks ago. However, even though I’ve only been on the periphery of SP, I’ve never been of the opinion that all the SP implementations that have gone wrong were really the fault… read more >


Partner Evaluations: “It’s got a good beat and you can dance to it”

For decades “It’s got a good beat and you can dance to it” or some variation of that sentence was heard over and over on American Bandstand’s Rate-a-Record segment – often in complete disregard as to whether you actually could dance to the tune in question, good beat, or not. Arbitrary and subjective, these ratings… read more >

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RFP 101

So you need a new … WCMS? Marketing automation platform? Ecommerce solution? Where not to start. Many companies will start their technology or service provider selection process by sending out a blind RFI (request for information) or RFP (request for proposal) without so much as picking up the phone to introduce themselves and the opportunity,… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Give it Away – The Value is in the Knowledge

If I were to start an enterprise software company today, I’d give the licenses away. No, I am not thinking about open source at all. I’m thinking about services, non-core functionality, and integration. I’ll stick to Enterprise Content Management software, but the principles are applicable to any enterprise grade platforms or suites (we can debate… read more >

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Beyond Quadrants and Waves: Assessing Service Provider Approaches to Customer Experience

At Digital Clarity Group, we are often asked whether we compare the companies we cover against each other, using ratings, rankings, or other comparison measures. When we answer “absolutely not,” reactions tend to range from relief to head-shaking disappointment, sometimes paradoxically within the same person. This goes to show how immensely powerful such ratings have… read more >


La mort de POG – No more Publicis & Omnicom

There is a wonderful quote from the French poet Anatole France that goes “J’ai toujours préféré la folie des passions à la sagesse de l’indifférence”.  Translated it is “I prefer the folly of enthusiasm to the wisdom of indifference.” In what was certainly a folly of enthusiasm, as well as apparently starting out as a joke,… read more >


Putting the “Proof” in Proof of Concept

A Proof of Concept (PoC) and “Bake-Off” are not the same thing, although many people treat them as such. To clarify, a “Bake-Off” is a pitting of two or more vendors against each other to compare their products and services, supposedly providing a side-by-side comparison of compatibility and capability with the intent on selecting a… read more >

home sweet home

Home sweet CEM home

Customer experience management (CEM) is quickly becoming a primary focus for companies looking to garner, gain, and keep market share. What many of these organizations are missing is the value of beginning their CEM strategy at home, with their employees. New research from Aon Hewitt suggests that employee engagement levels and employee perceptions of their… read more >

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