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IIAR Recognizes DCG as New Analyst Firm of the Year

2014 certainly closed on a high note. We’re pleased to report that the Institute of Industry Analyst Relations (IIAR) named Digital Clarity Group its New Analyst Firm of the Year for 2014. The IIAR, founded in 2006, is an independent, not-for-profit organization run by and for analyst relations (AR) professionals. Its annual awards are based… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Want a successful technology selection? Make sure you understand your stakeholders.

Whether the end game is a new web content management system for the entire enterprise, or a marketing automation platform for your sales and marketing team, or a collaboration tool for the PMO, identifying who the project’s stakeholders are, and how they fit into the effort is an important task to complete early on in… read more >


1,100 Voices Speak: DCG Named as Analyst Firm of the Year

We’re very excited to share the news that Digital Clarity Group has been recognized as an Analyst Firm of the Year (AFOTY) in the awards announced this week by Influencer Relations. The short list of most valuable firms is based on analysis of data gathered in the 2014 Analyst Value Survey, run by Kea Company…. read more >


Will consumers be admitted to the Drucker Forum? CEM and management transformation

As I write this I’m on the way to the Global Drucker Forum in Vienna. In honor of Peter Drucker, this fifth annual gathering brings together the bigs and the wigs of management consulting and practice, including Clayton Christensen, Gary Hamel, Rita McGrath, and John Hagel III. Can management manage its own Great Transformation? The… read more >


Publicis Groupe’s acquisition of Sapient: some customer implications

Building further on Scott’s post about the market implications of the Sapient acquisition by Publicis Groupe, he is right – the Publicis Groupe’s proposed acquisition of Sapient is different, as will be the impact on its customers. Past agency meldings have translated into little more than a name and executive leadership change. After all, many… read more >


Publicis Groupe’s acquisition of Sapient: some market implications

Let’s be honest: when holding companies acquire agencies — a near-weekly occurrence these days — there’s really not much effect on anyone other than their investors. But Publicis Groupe’s acquisition of Sapient is different. Maybe not better, but different. Counter to what the mega ad agency groups such as WPP, Interpublic Group, and Omnicom may… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

YOU are the problem

I wanted to try something a little different for this post. I’m doing an assessment of what went wrong with Alfresco for a Canadian university. They purchased Alfresco back in 2008/09, initially to handle some of their web content needs. Things haven’t gone so well. Below is a quick wrap up email I sent to the project… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

DAM essential to customer journey

Content is an essential element to today’s marketer. A study by the CMO Council on B2B Content Marketing reports that the most important characteristics of valuable content are the breadth and depth of the information (47%), ease of access, understanding and readability (44%) and originality of thinking and ideas (39%). CMI research shows that 86% of B2C… read more >

photo of team

Great Customer Experience: You know it when you see it

Not too long ago, my son and I went for a drive. Boom! We were suddenly rear-ended by a runaway Mini that plowed into my SUV. Dumb move for the Mini, but no one was hurt and there was minimal damage. Dealing with the other guy’s insurer after a crash? Don’t get your hopes up… read more >


Why I joined Digital Clarity Group: When digital and personal disruption collide

After a two-year hiatus from the world of work I’m back at it again, having just joined Digital Clarity Group as senior vice president, research. (Here’s the bio.) You may be wondering, why now? And why DCG?  Good questions. Why now? The “why now” is easy. I left the workforce in January 2013 because of a… read more >

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