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DCG research and articles about: payments

Digital Clarity Group

Amazon Go: Implications For Retail and CPG Companies

Last week, Amazon announced the opening of its new grocery store in its Seattle hometown. Called Amazon Go, it looks (at least in pictures) a lot like a pleasant urban grocery store, with shelves of everyday items like bread and fruit as well as pre-made meals. So what makes this “concept store” different? True to its experimentation… read more >

Source: comScore

Why the Mobile e-Commerce Market Should Be Larger By Now

While the mobile e-commerce market is definitely on the rise in the U.S., it should be much larger by now. Compared to other developed countries with smaller e-commerce markets, as well as to desktop e-commerce at home, the U.S. is lagging. eMarketer estimates that in 2015, mobile e-commerce sales as a proportion of total e-commerce were as high… read more >

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