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DCG research and articles about: customer experience management

Free Developer Report

Partner Your Way to Success in Customer Experience Management

Software enabling customer experience management (CEM) is in high demand as businesses of all sizes, locations, and industries push to adopt commerce, customer analytics, customer relationship management (CRM) suites, marketing automation, and omnichannel customer experience (CX) tools to support their CEM initiatives. Potential buyers are easily overwhelmed when embarking on the CX path because they… read more >

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Two Countries, One Customer: Navigating the Content and Commerce Divide

When I travel to countries that share a border, I love seeing how those countries may have little in common – speak different languages, eat different foods, and have different customs – and yet manage to communicate and co-operate so that people can cross back and forth easily between the two. From a traveler’s perspective,… read more >


Does Anyone Really Understand Customer Experience Management?

Understanding a problem is the most crucial step in solving it. So wrote Clayton Christensen in his famous 2000 Harvard Business Review article, “Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change” (co-authored with Michael Overdorf). A legitimate response might be: “Well, duh.” The necessity to properly frame the problem before proceeding to the solution is the kind… read more >

Free Developer Report

Bridging the Content and Commerce Divide

Thinking you need to replatform your existing CMS or ecommerce solution? Before you start gathering requirements and soliciting RFPs from WCM and e-commerce vendors, take a moment and consider how important online sales are for your company’s growth. If the answer is “very,” take a moment or two and consider if there might be a… read more >

One day I'll get big . . .

The Future of Business Process Management (BPM) Software

Ever wonder why the business process management (BPM) software market is so small? And more importantly, will it ever grow up? Or is BPM software perpetually stuck in the role of  a small pup instead of running with the big dogs, like analytics, collaboration and content? According to Market Reports Hub, the BPM market will… read more >

Impossible Bolts

Back to the Future — Of Technical Documentation Content

Digitally empowered consumers and the subsequent imperative for customer experience management have profound implications for technical writers and other documentation professionals. Next week, I have the pleasure of taking part in SDL’s event in London on the Future of Technical Documentation. In my presentation, I’ll first review how the forces of digital disruption (especially mobile… read more >

Free Developer Report

Tackle Complex Processes With Dynamic BPM Suites and Business-Ready Apps

Here’s an important question: Is your firm thinking of investing in business process management (BPM) software to gain greater efficiency from automating high throughput, transaction-intensive business processes?  If so, it’s time to think again. That’s because the current best practice in BPM software is to target high volume, repeatable, people-less processes and business processes at… read more >

DAM round up image

Digital Asset Management Round-Up, August 2015

Digital Clarity Group’s DAM round-up condenses and consolidates some of the most topical news and happenings from the digital asset management industry from the past month or so.  This month’s round-up covers , The Guardian’s home grown DAM, ADAM’s Microsoft Azure certification, and Canto updates to its enterprise suite. The Guardian Releases Open Source ‘Grid’… read more >


Hybris Americas Customer Days 2015

October 19-21, 2015. Fort Worth, TX, USA. Keynote: Customer Engagement like never before by Connie Moore Event website: Hybris Americas Customer Days 2015 read more >

Free Developer Report

Is Your Organization Ready to Take the Leap Towards Customer Care?

Since the dawn of commerce, humans have marketed and sold items to one another and provided pre- or post-sale service. Today sales, marketing and service disciplines are sciences in their own right. Companies have invested vast resources in establishing separate business entities that engage the customer in either a sales, marketing or service activity. Marketing… read more >

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