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DCG research and articles about: customer experience management


Beyond Midmarket and Enterprise, Think of “Mid-Size Organizations” for Customer Experience

When it comes to marketing and evaluating software, vendors and buyers alike still tend to overemphasize market categories like enterprise, midmarket, and SMB. In a pair of previous reports, we have argued that such revenue-based distinctions are a disservice to suppliers and users alike. Vendors end up switching from one category to another in search… read more >

Free Developer Report

“Mid-Size Organizations” Hold the Keys to Success With Customer Experience Management

Consumer expectations do not diminish according to the size of the organization. We all just want a great experience regardless of the size of the organization attempting to engage us. Whether in a B2C or B2B context, we don’t distinguish between massive enterprises and family-owned firms, nor between temporary sites for a product launch and the polished omnichannel experiences of a world wide… read more >

Free Developer Report

Rethinking DAM: Customer Experience Demands Intelligent, Integrated Content

Mobile, always-on internet access, and social platforms have empowered consumers by making information open, sharable, and ubiquitous. But if the web and other digital channels still consisted exclusively of text and small, grainy photographs — ala 1997 — it’s unimaginable that we would be talking of the imperative for every company and brand to offer compelling, engaging experiences. Rich media… read more >


Customer Experience Skills and Capabilities: Ten Core Competencies for Success

“Who owns the customer?” is a question that commonly arises in discussions about customer experience management at conferences and in online forums. Some say marketing, others say customer service, still others name other departments and functions that traditionally have the most regular direct personal contact with customers. While any organizational initiative needs to have some degree of executive sponsorship and governance; this… read more >

Free Developer Report

Ten Core Competencies for Customer Experience Management

In the last few years, customer experience management (CEM) has evolved from being a topic mostly used among marketers to occupying center stage in strategy discussions among C-suite executives.  As customer experience initiatives move from strategy to execution, they require the participation of a range of practitioners. These practitioners include individuals in IT, administration, and… read more >

Scott Liewehr

Customer Experience Management Master Class (Chicago, IL, USA)

July 29, 2015. Chicago, IL, USA. Digital Clarity Group CEM Master Class. The What, Why, and How of Delivering World-Class Experience by Scott Liewehr read more >

Scott Liewehr

Customer Experience Management Master Class (Boston, MA, USA)

July 22, 2015. Boston, MA, USA. Digital Clarity Group CEM Master Class. The What, Why, and How of Delivering World-Class Experience by Scott Liewehr read more >


Revisiting Some Assumptions About SMBs and E-commerce in the Age of Customer Experience

It’s that time of year where it seems like everyone in the known universe and beyond is either organizing conferences, preparing to exhibit or speak at them, or attending them. Accompanying the raft of conferences are announcements and press releases galore, and one in particular from the #IRCE15 event taking place in Chicago this week caught… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

DCG Podcasts: Why Did Pitney Bowes Acquire Borderfree and Real Time Content?

For a 95-year old company with deep roots in print postal services, adapting to today’s digital world is a formidable challenge.  Yet Pitney Bowes, the US-based, 10,000 employee company, has been making some strategic moves lately in order to do just that. In this podcast, Connie Moore and Jill Finger Gibson review Pitney Bowes’ recent… read more >


Analytics: your challenge, should you choose to accept it

A couple of months ago I took on a new challenge. It all started when I was invited to write an article for the folks who just launched, which focuses on real time technologies. When we went over the list of topics, my ears perked up at their mention of “analytics.”  Interesting. After all,… read more >

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