Stakeholder Analysis for Project Participation, Workshop, and Interview Planning
Stakeholder Analysis spreadsheet is a tool that can help simplify and add clarity to understanding project participants. The spreadsheet captures:
- Who they are: name, title, work location.
- How they are impacted and/or will impact the project: their interest in the effort, their area of expertise, their relevant history – are they an advocate or someone that needs to be brought onside.
- What role they will play in the effort: PM, project sponsor, interviewee, focus group participant.
By laying out all possible stakeholders at the outset you can ensure that there is representation from all the relevant factions (business units, departments, geographies, tenure, levels of employees and management), and identify what project role they will play.
Once the stakeholders, and their interests, have been captured you can then assess how best to engage them in the collection of requirements, communications, and overall project process.
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