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Partner Your Way to Success in Customer Experience Management

Partner Your Way to Success in Customer Experience Management, Connie MooreSoftware enabling customer experience management (CEM) is in high demand as businesses of all sizes, locations, and industries push to adopt commerce, customer analytics, customer relationship management (CRM) suites, marketing automation, and omnichannel customer experience (CX) tools to support their CEM initiatives. Potential buyers are easily overwhelmed when embarking on the CX path because they lack experienced staff with sufficient knowledge and insight to implement solutions.  That causes a problem for software vendors, because no matter how wide their reach, they can’t close the gap between their own resources and customers’ growing needs. Without a phalanx of highly trained partners around the globe – consulting firms, digital agencies, systems integrator,s and value added resellers (which, in aggregate, we refer to as service providers) – large CEM vendors are unable to tap into the full potential of this nascent and emerging but vibrant market.

In this report, Connie Moore delivers in-depth insights into CEM buyer expectations, behaviors, and maturity levels, with the goal of giving service providers a broad understanding of buyer behavior patterns, specifically when it comes to acquiring and implementing CEM solutions. The analysis draws on extensive primary research conducted by DCG in early 2015. We surveyed more than 200 senior decision makers in North America and Europe regarding their purchases of sales, service, marketing, and commerce software targeted at customer experience. We also interviewed executives responsible for CEM engagements, executives at service providers focused on CEM selections and implementations, and independent thought leaders on buyer expectations, CEM technology, and usage. By asking both broad and targeted questions, we formulated a comprehensive view of the CEM ecosystem, buyer requirements, and implementation issues to help service providers find success with CEM.

Connie distills the research outcomes as ten key findings to inform and guide any service provider considering a partnership with a CEM software vendor. The findings also provide partners with insights they can use when selling to and supporting North American and European businesses. Finally, the report is valuable to digital leaders whose companies are implementing solutions for CEM, giving them an opportunity to benchmark their own approaches to engaging qualified service providers.

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