DCG research answers your burning questions about digital experience platforms
Who and what is driving investment in digital experience platforms (DXPs)? What approaches are companies taking to their DXPs — going with a single vendor’s end-to-end suite, or assembling their DXPs with best-in-class components from multiple vendors? Why take one approach over the other? And just what is digital experience platform, anyway? What capabilities comprise the DX stack, and which are the most important? What technologies are emerging as the center of gravity for contemporary DXPs? What factors are most important when buyers choose DX vendors? Any case studies and examples that can guide buyers as they navigate the DXP landscape?
DCG has the answers — well, actually, we surveyed and interviewed more the 350 business, marketing, and IT leaders who enabled us to formulate the answers. We’ve gathered the data, done the analysis, and written the findings, insights, recommendations, and case studies. And now we’re taken the wraps off our research report on Digital Experience Platforms: Buyer Trends, Preferences, and Strategies.
The report will published as a free download from the DCG site later this month. Until then, it’s available from a number of the sponsors who underwrote the DXP research, including Adobe, Authentic, censhare, CoreMedia, Episerver, Lytics, SAP, SDL, and Sitecore. Follow one of the sponsor links to get access to the report now.
Some of the results confirmed what DCG sees anecdotally across our analyst coverage and consulting practice. The DXP landscape isn’t “one size fits all,” for example. Our research methodology included an online survey of 300 business, marketing, and IT leaders in North America, the United Kingdom, and Europe. Two-thirds of respondents (66%) are taking multi-vendor approaches to their DXPs, while end-to-end DXPs from a single vendor are the preferred approach by 31% of leaders we surveyed. (The remaining 3% of companies surveyed have no plans to acquire DXP technology in the next 12 months.) The report breaks out three types of multi-vendor DXPs and includes six case studies that explain why companies choose one approach over the other.
Some of the results might surprise you. Who’s the primary decision maker when it comes to DXP strategies and technologies? (Hint: it’s not the CMO.) Some results even surprised us. The ranked importance of various technology and business factors that influence buyer decisions when choosing vendors, for example, was not what we expected.
DCG’s DXP team will be diving into the results when we publish the report on our site. In the meantime, get the research and analysis from one of our sponsors. And start formulating your own answers to your burning questions about your organization’s DXP.
For more DCG analysis on digital experience technologies and practices, see this post about our Partner Finder and the role that the right partners play in DX success, this post on other views of the DXP landscape, and our 2016 report on progress with digital transformation in higher education.