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Digital Clarity Group

World of Service Providers, July 2015

Each month, we put together a topical list of new & noteworthy happenings in the world of Service Providers. Look for information about digital agencies, creative shops, systems integrators, consulting firms, and everything in between. Here’s what’s been happening in the World of Service Providers – and why it matters –  for the month of July,… read more >

A rich, engaging customer experience, circa 1999.

Customer Experience Management Pushes Marketers Beyond DAM to MAD

In order to understand the role of rich media in customer experience, just recall how the web looked in the mid-1990s. Constrained by crude content management systems, expensive storage, and above all, by dial up modems, web sites were dominated by text. Photographs were small, low resolution, and rare — in 1996, even the home page… read more >


Customer Experience Skills and Capabilities: Ten Core Competencies for Success

“Who owns the customer?” is a question that commonly arises in discussions about customer experience management at conferences and in online forums. Some say marketing, others say customer service, still others name other departments and functions that traditionally have the most regular direct personal contact with customers. While any organizational initiative needs to have some degree of executive sponsorship and governance; this… read more >


E-Commerce Round-Up, June 2015

E-Commerce Round-Up covers major recent events and news from the past month in the commerce world, and provides a brief analysis of what they mean.   hybris and Acquia team up for cloud-based content and commerce hybris has just inked a partnership with Acquia, where the two vendors will collaborate to deliver “contextually relevant experiences… read more >

Best Buy ditches the Agency of Record Model

World of Service Providers, June 2015

Each month, we put together a topical list of new & noteworthy happenings in the world of Service Providers. Look for information about digital agencies, creative shops, systems integrators, consulting firms, and everything in between. Here’s what’s been happening in the World of Service Providers – and why it matters –  for the month of June,… read more >

Digital World

What’s with all the agency reviews?

A flurry of agency reviews has been stealing the headlines over the past few months. Volkswagen, Mondelez, and Coca Cola are among some of the companies who are undergoing reviews of their media agencies and agencies of record. Then there are others – like Best Buy – who are ditching the ‘agency of record’ concept all together…. read more >


Revisiting Some Assumptions About SMBs and E-commerce in the Age of Customer Experience

It’s that time of year where it seems like everyone in the known universe and beyond is either organizing conferences, preparing to exhibit or speak at them, or attending them. Accompanying the raft of conferences are announcements and press releases galore, and one in particular from the #IRCE15 event taking place in Chicago this week caught… read more >


Web Content Management Round-Up, May 2015

What’s new in Web Content Management? Adobe announces a strategic partnership with Microsoft. OpenText plans to cut its workforce by 5%. Appnovation Donates $30,000 to Drupal 8 Accelerate. Hippo releases Hippo CMS v10. Automattic Acquires WordPress Service Provider WooThemes. Mura CMS launches a Mura CMS Themes Competition… read more >


With WooCommerce Acquisition, Automattic Democratizes Content + Commerce

Automattic, the company behind open-source publishing platform WordPress as well as other web publishing companies, has until recently kept a pretty low profile. Prior to its most recent financing round in 2014, where it raised $160 million, the company’s leadership ran it as a break-even business. Nearly a quarter of all websites now use WordPress (full… read more >


The next big thing in global ecommerce: Uber

It’s the end of a long workday, and you have a package that needs to get to your client in another city by tomorrow morning. There’s a Fedex box in the lobby of your office building, but you’ve already missed the pick-up window deadline of 6 p.m. It’s too bulky for a bike messenger, and… read more >

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