2017 Customer Experience Trends: The Year of Operational Excellence
CEOs Will Double Down on Operational Excellence in Customer Experience Management in 2017
Putting the customer first will remain a top priority for CEOs throughout 2017 as senior executives around the globe continue to transform the enterprise from the outside-in and inside-out. How? By delighting customers and delivering exceptional experiences independent of existing and emerging devices, channels, products, brands, and business units.
Why does customer experience (CX) remain on the C-suite’s top priority list after five-plus years of talking about and investing in it? The reason is simple: a growing number of senior executives realize that effectively managing lifetime relationships with prospects and customers can literally make or break an organization’s top line growth and bottom-line results. Based on their initial forays, they’ve learned that operationalizing customer experience takes considerable – and even formidable – time, treasure, talent, and technology. They’ve seen first-hand that creating a culture that delivers exceptional customer experiences cannot be done quickly or easily.
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