The Burden and the Benefit of Data Subject Rights Under the GDPR
One of the major areas of concern for organizations affected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is ensuring they have the systems and processes in place to handle requests from individuals for information about, or access to, their personal data. Enabling the so-called data subject rights may be the first big challenge many organizations will face under the GDPR – as well as the first area both consumers and regulators will look at to check if an organization is in compliance.
In this DCG Insight Brief, Tim Walters unpacks the concept of data subject rights under the GDPR. Tim defines the terminology and identifies the pertinent GDPR recitals and articles. He describes how managing data subject rights should be embraced as an opportunity to provide precisely what consumers desire: control over how and where their data is used. This strategic approach will build consumer trust and encourage them to provide more and richer data that informs ever more effective experiences. In short, Tim argues, shifting control to the consumer is the key to making real progress with customer experience management. The Brief closes with a three-step guide to preparing to support the data subject rights (and comply with broader GDPR requirements).
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