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DCG research and articles about: ECM

Kofax, Perceptive and Hyland reshuffle the deck in search of new winnings

Companies that grow by acquisition can be difficult to understand, particularly if lots of different products are bought from multiple sources over a sustained time period. (Take OpenText, for example.) Lexmark Enterprise Software is one such company, having taken several steps to get into–and now out of–enterprise software. With Lexmark International itself under new ownership,… read more >

Individual Strands Join to Form An Emerging Market

OpenText finalizes the Documentum deal—and weaves a new tapestry in the process

Last week, OpenText finalized yet another acquisition, which is pretty much par for the course for this vendor. OpenText’s growth strategy depends heavily on acquisitions and this was no exception, although this specific purchase was an unusually important addition to the OpenText stable of products. Since the company began, OpenText has made 55 acquisitions, and… read more >

Social Network concept

Extending ECM to Office 365 fills in missing pieces

Over the past two years there’s been a lot of discussion about the future of ECM. Some old-timers form the vanguard by defending ECM systems that are (quite honestly) sometimes challenging to deploy, manage and use. Others like how products such as Dropbox, Box, and Microsoft OneDrive for Business are easier and cheaper to deploy,… read more >

Female customer support operator with headset and smiling

Extended ECM (xECM) opens the door to content for CRM users

There’s been good news recently on the extended enterprise content management (xECM) front. Specifically, OpenText and announced a partnership to integrate OpenText’s Content Server with Salesforce’s CRM through an out-of-the-box connector. This mirrors other recent partnerships from OpenText to integrate Content Server with 1) Microsoft SharePoint Online (Office 365) and 2) SAP SuccessFactors (extending… read more >

Free Developer Report

Transform Insights, Improve Operational Excellence, and Delight Customers with Extended ECM

Digital content delivers no value to businesses and consumers if it just sits on a shelf—physical or virtual—waiting for someone to find it. But a “shelf” is precisely where much unstructured information remains, robbing businesses of essential insights into their customers and business processes, and blocking key inputs to business decisions and actions. Connie Moore… read more >

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Box Goes Global, Addresses EU Concerns With Zones

Egnyte, for its part, leverages Google Cloud. Pelz-Sharpe called Syncplicity a “small player” and Egnyte “interesting.” But at the end of the day, the file sharing game is between two vendors, he said, Dropbox and Box. Box, for its part, has outgrown its EFSS roots. Pelz-Sharpe told CMSWire that when he talks to clients about… read more >

inside outside beach & couch

The Two Sides of the Transformation Coin: Digital Outside and Inside

The amount of information created each day is enormous, and it continues to outstrip the abilities of workers to process incoming requests and information submitted from customers and prospects, and for sales, service, support and finance to fulfill those requests internally. This unending deluge of structured and unstructured information pushes organizations to ditch their old, outdated… read more >


Dell Buys EMC: A Sweet Dream or October Nightmare?

Technology and market research analysts who track the enterprise content management (ECM), business process management (BPM), case management, and information governance spaces awakened to a huge surprise last week—Dell was making overtures to buy EMC and EMC was just fine with that outcome.  Really??!! This was a head snapping, attention grabbing news item if there… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

DCG Podcasts: Enterprise File Sync & Share

February 2015 – The Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) market got a boost with Box’s recent IPO. In this podcast Digital Clarity Group’s Connie Moore and Chris Walker discuss the EFSS market, some of the players, and whether EFSS can succeed where Enterprise Content Management (ECM) has failed.


Enterprise File Sync and Share – It’s Not What You Think

When Gartner came out with its Magic Quadrant for Enterprise File Sync and Share (EFSS) back in July 2014 I laughed a little because I find the idea of an EFSS market, well, laughable. Yes, I know they put in a whole bunch of stuff about what could or should be part of the market, but… read more >

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