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DCG research and articles about: analytics

The five top trends in customer experience management in 2018 and beyond

  In 2018, digital disruption will continue unabated, unsettling organizations that have already started down a digital transformation path. Why? Because recasting enterprises into a truly customer-driven culture is a very complex, challenging and slow process—requiring lots of executive time and resources, a deep insight into customer journeys, and a strong focus on organizational change… read more >

CMO Data Insight Summit

Meet Scott Liewehr and Jake DiMare at the GDS CMO Data Summit in beautiful Sarasota, Florida. The Summit brings together senior decision-makers and business leaders from across multiple industries in North America. The focus is on the most pressing challenges and opportunities for data-driven marketers.

Planned topics include monetizing data and building new revenue models; making the most of customer data, and moving from data to insight to action; and capitalizing on mobile and location-based data. Executive delegates from companies including GE, USAA, UPS, Comcast, and Wal-Mart will be on hand to share their experiences and contribute to conversations in workshops, panels, and round tables.

For analysis related to the Summit themes, read Jake’s blog post on “Pushing the Creep Factor with Customer Data,” and this post by Tim Walters about customer data and privacy.  Contact us in advance to set up a time to connect with Jake or Scott at the Summit.


Individual Strands Join to Form An Emerging Market

OpenText finalizes the Documentum deal—and weaves a new tapestry in the process

Last week, OpenText finalized yet another acquisition, which is pretty much par for the course for this vendor. OpenText’s growth strategy depends heavily on acquisitions and this was no exception, although this specific purchase was an unusually important addition to the OpenText stable of products. Since the company began, OpenText has made 55 acquisitions, and… read more >


CMO Digital Marketing Leaders Summit 2015

November 16–18, 2015. Where: Houston, TX, USA. Mary Laplante, and Connie Moore lead roundtables, panels, and workshops. Event website: CMO Digital Marketing Leaders Summit 2015 read more >


Analytics: your challenge, should you choose to accept it

A couple of months ago I took on a new challenge. It all started when I was invited to write an article for the folks who just launched, which focuses on real time technologies. When we went over the list of topics, my ears perked up at their mention of “analytics.”  Interesting. After all,… read more >

Free Developer Report

The Big Data Continuum: From Data Scientists to Empowered Business People

The amount of words that have been uttered and written about big data over the past four years is astounding. If big data hasn’t become a big topic in your organization, it will. And it’s probably sparked many conversations, even if the technology hasn’t arrived yet at your firm. At this point you may be… read more >


Announcing DCG’s Bringing the Power of Big Data to the Masses Report

Big Data is all the rage, yet many organizations are struggling to move beyond the hype and apply big data analytics in practical, measured steps. First, most big data investments to-date ($10 billion and counting according to IDC) have focused on “upstream” systems and tools for technical folks vs. apps and tools for people who… read more >

golden mean

The Rise of the Manager of Meaning

The roles of the CMO and the CIO are evolving. We know this. Of this change, it is more critical that they both evolve into something with a common purpose, than the change in role itself. Big Data just might be the big idea that hastens the alignment of this purpose, but it won’t, itself,… read more >

Social CRM

In search of real, practical Social CRM

The search for next big thing when it comes to Customer Relationship Management has been a long, strange trip for those of us who remember when Siebel was battling it out with Brock and Saratoga, and cloud computing was still a gleam in Eric Schmidt’s eye.  But here we are, a dozen years after the… read more >

2013 predictions

Peering into 2013

With every New Year come the dreams and predictions of what the next 365 days will bring. The DCG team has pulled together a few of our own predictions (and wishes) for 2013 … The web content management (WCM) nomenclature fog will (finally) begin to lift, as bigger vendors further embrace some variation of CEM… read more >

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