Scott Liewehr discusses the top content management news of 2012
Scott Liewehr, President & Principal Analyst at Digital Clarity Group, was approached by Fierce Content Management to give his expert opinion on the top content management news story of the year.
“I’d say 2012, to me, was the year where the idea of managing the customer experience came on full-force. Reintroduced to content folks in 2011, 2012 turned the corner for CEM and propelled marketers, especially, to the forefront of the customer experience fold, adding customer retention, customer satisfaction and loyalty to the long list of their responsibilities as the de facto keepers of the corporate digital presence. The implications of this shift have only begun to be realized, as technologies and content strategies still have a long ways to go to fulfill on it’s promises, but we’ll look back to 2012 as the year we turned the corner.”
– Scott Liewehr, president and principal analyst at Digital Clarity Group
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