Five Crucial Lessons Learned in Content Management System Selections
One of the most important actions an organization can take when tackling a new initiative is to learn how to avoid the gotchas — know the pitfalls, the lessons others have learned, and the best practices derived from the experiences of those who have done it successfully (and not so successfully). Learning from others is particularly important when selecting new technology. Most organizations don’t do this every day. They often lack the skill sets, knowledge base, and experience to truly understand what a selection project entails. The challenges are even greater when it comes to content management system (CMS) selections because hundreds of options characterize today’s CMS landscape.
This report by Connie Moore examines three common pitfalls and five key lessons learned by organizations that have recently conducted a CMS selection. The analysis is based on original research conducted by DCG. It draws on the real-world experiences of COOs, CIOs, marketing executives, brand managers, IT managers, CMS managers, and other business and IT professionals at fourteen organizations across a range of sizes, industry sectors (including government) and geographic regions. Learn from these experts about what to do — and not do — when you choose your next CMS.
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