Find Better Digital Partners Faster
We’re pleased to share some exciting news. Digital Clarity Group has launched Partner Finder, a new resource that helps organizations deliver world-class customer experience by engaging the best digital partners for their initiatives.
Partner Finder addresses a problem that’s validated by our own voice-of-the-customer (VOC) research: approximately one of every four technology projects fails outright or falls short in significant ways. Through hundreds of interviews for our VOCalis customer satisfaction assessment service, we’ve learned that poor performance is often deeply rooted in a fundamental mismatch between the organization’s needs for specific capabilities and the expertise of the partner chosen to do the work.
Think of Partner Finder as a kind of digital services marketplace. Buyers of services can find and engage with qualified providers of those services. Partner Finder features a search-style interface to a database of profiles of digital agencies, systems integrators, and consultancies that provide technical, creative, and strategy services. You can search partners by criteria such as location, product expertise, competencies, vertical industry, and numerous competencies. Digital partners with premium profiles can reference marquee customers and work samples. You have access to this information in a one-stop resource, saving time and effort with short-listing process.
In future releases, we’ll share feedback on the actual performance of digital agencies and systems integrators when implementing technology solutions. Profiles will include a VOCalis score, which is a numeric measure representing the collective experience of other companies that have worked with that agency or integrator. Scores are based on data that we gather from companies who share their experiences with a particular partner by taking a VOCalis survey. Scores are inputs to our VOCalis awards made to partners for performance excellence. You can provide feedback on a particular partner right from their profile, or you can take the survey from the DCG website.
New profiles are added to Partner Finder on a frequent basis. Visit regularly to explore updates.
Download our updated guide to Assessing and Selecting Digital Partners if you’re looking for ways to start or advance the conversation about best-fit partners with colleagues and managers. Related analysis includes this post on choosing a partner for content and commerce integration and this perspective on getting beyond a project mentality. Contact us to discuss DCG’s services for technology and digital partner selections. We’d welcome the opportunity to help you find your best-fit partners.