Looking for Customer Feedback in All the Right Places
Contact center and VOC (Voice Of the Customer) leaders are on a permanent quest for customer feedback, typically from email and phone surveys. But in an age of empowered consumers, traditional sources may be inadequate and seem outdated. Today’s leaders not only need to gather effective, quantitative inputs by asking customers for feedback, but also must gain additional insights by collaborating internally with other business functions and by using technology to mine and listen to information sources throughout the organization. This can be challenging. Many customers today possess better technology than customer service staff, who often rely on creaky, outdated CRM systems. To be effective, contact centers must meet the customer’s digital power with their own.
In this Brief, Connie Moore explains how an “ask + listen” mindset can empower leaders with a 360-degree view of customers, enabling them maximize all the data and insight they already have on hand. Connie provides guidance and advice on building an “ask + listen” culture and technology platform, which can be easier said than done.
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