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DCG research and articles about: social

Free Developer Report

Contextual Commerce Is Coming, But Will Consumers Care?

In this Insight Brief Jill Finger Gibson takes a look at the trends and shares insights on the state of the art with Contextual Commerce. In it, Jill breaks down the differences between Traditional and Contextual, explores the impact of social, and unpacks the key challenges.


Intranets for Employee Communications

June 21-23, 2016. San Diego, CA, USA. How To Develop A User-Centric Intranet That Will Improve Engagement, Collaboration, Information Sharing, And Achieve Results by Cathy McKnight Designing An Intranet With Your Employees In Mind – Improve Adoption, Collaboration, And Productivity by Cathy McKnight and Randy Kirsch Event website: Intranets for Employee Communications read more >


Changing the World of Work: Why Social is Broken and How to Fix It

May 2014, webinar. Presented by Tim Walters, moderated by Mary Laplante. read more >


Announcing DCG’s Bringing the Power of Big Data to the Masses Report

Big Data is all the rage, yet many organizations are struggling to move beyond the hype and apply big data analytics in practical, measured steps. First, most big data investments to-date ($10 billion and counting according to IDC) have focused on “upstream” systems and tools for technical folks vs. apps and tools for people who… read more >


Simple Sells

I’ve been writing and speaking a lot about small data as an approach for bringing the power of big data to the masses (the subject of our current multi-client study which will hit the street in mid-October). But what’s interesting is that the small data philosophy also applies to design and advertising and how we… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

DCG Sr. Analyst Robert Rose interviewed on

Monday August 19, 2013, New York – Digital Clarity Group Partner and Senior Analyst Robert Rose was recently interviewed for Covering topics from Big Data to social ROI, Robert gave CMO readers insight into how content marketing can be effectively leveraged for increased business success. As an expert in content marketing, Robert Rose discussed the… read more >

social blocks

A Playbook for Sustainable B2B Social Marketing

We all know the high-profile successes of consumer brands like Audi, Nike, Old Spice, and Pepsi on social media – for awareness and engagement, and increasingly, for driving social commerce. (See the Facebook Studio winners here and Shorty Awards for best use of Twitter here.) The trend to leverage social media for engagement continues as a… read more >


Jive and Box step closer to employee systems of engagement

If you have held a job for more than a few days you know that information management, access, and exchange are the achilles heel of the knowledge-based enterprise. It’s no surprise then that enterprise social and collaboration tools have been the focus of so much investment and innovation in recent years, among both start-ups and… read more >

Dirty yoga dude

Flexibility really is what it is cracked up to be

Can’t touch your toes? Afraid stretching is going to hurt? You’ll never know til you try. And even if you can’t reach below your knees today, with some effort and perseverance you’ll be doing gorilla in no time. Same can be said for evolving a company’s intranet; it’s not easy, and it takes time, it… read more >

Don't miss the boat

Why won’t those dinosaurs ever change?

Have you asked, “why can’t those dinosaurs get it, why can’t they see that [Digital or Social or Big Data or your preferred new approach] is the future of sales and marketing?”  If so, this post is for you. As a C-level executive coach for nearly 30 years, I know something about how to help… read more >

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