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Author Archive | Kyle Dover

Money wasted

Why Tech Projects Fail, and How to Prevent It

The most effective IT leaders I know always seem to have the same three priorities for their work – create measureable business value, make and keep commitments to their clients, and deliver high quality solutions built for sustainable success. These leaders are true “partners” – seeking to understand the client’s purpose and goals, proactively proposing… read more >


Increase Your Probability for a Successful Implementation

You can take the best DM/CEM tools in the world and destroy their business value with a poor implementation process.  So, what steps can you take to ensure that your implementation project will succeed? In an earlier post, I described a new maturity model for technology implementation.  This model is based on the concept of… read more >

Thinking Together with your Customers

Think Together with your Customers

CRM, DM, CEM, CX – the labels change, but the message is clear – it’s essential to engage your customers.  Unfortunately, engagement is still largely defined around messages directed at the customer.  And, while methods are evolving, these messages still seemed to be guided by the flawed assumption that you can control customers’ choices, IF… read more >

Technological maturity, not an age thing

Technological maturity, not an age thing

In a recent post, Digital Clarity Group President, Scott Liewehr, made this critical observation: “never conduct a technology selection without also selecting the service provider.”  He talked about why this step is critical for our clients, and also reviewed factors we consider when evaluating providers (their methodologies, product fluency, ability to empathize with our clients’… read more >

Don't miss the boat

Why won’t those dinosaurs ever change?

Have you asked, “why can’t those dinosaurs get it, why can’t they see that [Digital or Social or Big Data or your preferred new approach] is the future of sales and marketing?”  If so, this post is for you. As a C-level executive coach for nearly 30 years, I know something about how to help… read more >

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Increasing strategic influence in IT

Everywhere you turn, you find people who are ready to give you the secret on how to be more “strategic” – or at least after you hire them or buy their books. However, despite all the amazing claims, I really don’t believe that IT influence depends on where you sit, who you report to, whether… read more >

Digital Clarity Group

Selecting the best product without testing execution is a futile exercise

Technology buyers often ask, “How do you know which vendor to trust? They all say they have the best product.” Of course, all vendors say they’re the best, although they rarely, if ever, define what that word means for them. Award-winning, industry-leading, state-of-the-art, and on and on. These statements are all different flavors of authority… read more >

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